Galerie Transit in Art Antwerp

dec 2021
dec 2021

Galerie Transit presents in booth B01 artworks from

Arne Bastien
Johan Creten
Luc Dondeyne
Allart Lakke
Fran Van Coppenolle

Art Brussels is proud to announce the launch of a new fair: Art Antwerp! 

Art Antwerp will be held from Thursday 16 until Sunday 19 December at Antwerp Expo (Jan van Rijswijcklaan 191 in Antwerp). The fair will be organised on a smaller scale with 59 galleries hailing from Belgium and a number of strong international players, more specifically from neighbouring countries. We are happy to meet the increasing demand for face-to-face meetings in the art world and Art Antwerp offers the ideal format while ensuring maximum security.

It is no coincidence that the city of Antwerp has been chosen. It is a vibrant city that is home to some of Belgium’s most prominent museums and counts numerous galleries. It is also a melting pot of young and established artists as well as a hotspot for foodies, cutting-edge fashion lovers and all kinds of creative talent. 

We are delighted to announce the gallery list:

Ballon Rouge Collective Brussels | Baronian Xippas Brussels |  Base-Alpha Antwerp | Bernier/Eliades Athens, Brussels |  Clearing Beverly Hills, Brussels, New York | Campoli Presti London, Paris |  Clages Cologne | De Brock Knokke |  Kristof De Clercq Ghent | dépendance Brussels | DMW Gallery Antwerp |  Dürst Britt & Mayhew The Hague | Dvir Brussels, Tel Aviv |  Everyday Gallery Antwerp | gallery Fifty One Antwerp | Thomas Fischer Berlin | Fred&Ferry Antwerp |  Annie Gentils  Antwerp | Geukens & De Vil Antwerp, Knokke | Laurent Godin Paris |  Hopstreet Brussels, Deurle | Michael Janssen Berlin |  rodolphe janssen Brussels |  Keteleer Antwerp, Brasschaat, Otegem | Parisa Kind Frankfurt | Irène Laub Brussels |  Lelong & Co.  New York, Paris | Harlan Levey Projects Brussels | Galerie Ron Mandos Amsterdam |  Jaqueline Martins Brussels, São Paulo | Maruani Mercier Brussels, Knokke, Zaventem |  Greta Meert Brussels | Meessen De Clercq Brussels |  Kamel Mennour  London, Paris | Nino Mier Brussels, Cologne, Los Angeles, Marfa | Nagel Draxler Berlin, Cologne, Munich |  Nosbaum Reding Brussels, Luxembourg | Nathalie Obadia Brussels, Paris |  Plus-One Antwerp | QG Gallery Knokke | Rossicontemporary  Brussels |  Semiose Paris | Sies + Höke Düsseldorf |  Sorry We’re Closed Brussels | Stems Gallery Brussels |  Super Dakota  Brussels | Templon Brussels, Paris | Galerie Transit Mechelen |  valerie_traan Antwerp | Sofie Van de Velde Antwerp |  Tim Van Laere Antwerp | Maurice Verbaet Knokke |  Nadja Vilenne Liège | Philipp von Rosen Cologne | Fons Welters Amsterdam |  Barbara Wien Berlin | Zeno X Antwerp |  De Zwarte Panter Antwerp .

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