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Biography - Christophe Terlinden

Christophe Terlinden: biography

° Etterbeek, België, 1969

1992 “Yellow line“ Performance. 37 Km. La Spezia – Massa Di Mare Italy 

1993 “Plan cube“ Installation Quartier Nord Brussels 

1994 “Ramp“ Installation La Cambre (gardens) Brussels 

1995 “Minimum yellow“ Instal. Quartier Léopold Station Brussels “Boats“ Perform. Royal Park Brussels “Road – Countryside “Eghezée 95 Painting St.Germain Belgium “In the South“ Sound instal. Luxembourg Square Brussels “Black hair“ 15 days of colour approach New-York 

1996 “±1 200 000 000“ caminade CHINA Instal.+ Multiple Caminade Brussels “Broken line“ Instal. Southampton UK “Airplane“ Perform. San Francisco “Techtur “± 103 days (Collective work) Construct. ETABLISSEMENT D’EN FACE Launch of Techtur (association w/ constructive purpose ) Berlin-Dallas- Brussels 

1997 “Projet Fiat“ ITHAKA (col.S.Derycke) Instal. Leuven Belgium “Stretch of water“ 210% Instal. 210 Av. de Tervuren Brussels 

1998 “Pool“ caminade Sound instal. Brussels “ 2° “ 1998 (Org.SDIP) Instal. Nantes France “Bloem stuk“ Bureau NICC augmenté Instal. NICC Antwerpen Belgium “ 3 “ «Ik was 4 in 75» BD + ™ NICC Antwerpen Belgium 

1999 “Call gallery for gratis information“ Sound instal. Roger Vandaele Galery Belgium

2000 “LUM“ Lighting Bruxel 2000 Brussels “Vista point“ KKCZW Photographs Groenendaal Belgium “Puzzle“ Movments Reconstitution Art Museum Antwerpen – BE 

2001 “Bitte klingeln oder laut klopfen“ Instal. Super Plus Gallery Düsseldorf – D “-1 +1“ Instal. Architecture Foundation Brussels “Import-Export“ « carte blanche » peopleday® 12 ideas Caisse des dépôts et consignations Paris “Juda – door – pump“ Restoration The Flying Cow Project Brussels “A clock for Tour et Taxis“ Instal. Ici et maintenant (Tour et Taxis) Brussels “Marijkeshuisje“ Room mosaic Instal. La maison de Marijke Schreurs Brussels (col. Ann Veronica Jansens) 

2002 “Landscapes” Drawings Botanique Cultural Centre Brussels “Urban landscape – Human landscape” Video Office Park Nysdam La Hulpe – BE “Mobiles” Perform. Place de Bethléem Brussels “13 dances for church bells” Sound install. Grimbergen 02 Grimbergen -BE “Diversion of the river Rhônes Sound instal & poster Art 3 Valence (FR) “M HKA” TM MuHKA Antwerpen – BE “Towards a new Europe”(1999) Stickers & flag M HKA (Paramount basic) Antwerpen – BE “600 characters” Light tale Forwart Brussels “5 to 18” Lithography Muka (Auckland) New Zeeland 

2003 “Revolutiorestoration” (col.Nico Dockx) Improvisation PBA-PSK Brussels “Piece for peace” Web site PBA-PSK Brussels “Barak” Ceramics Speelhoven Aarschot – BE “3 return trips” (col.Michel François) Instal. Wiel’s Brussels “Satelliet 03” Cinema Lokaal 01 Antwerpen – Breda 

2004 “Orange skin” Cuttings MAP (love is in the air) Brussels “Street lights Museum” (col.Nathalie Mertens) Laeken Brussels “At 4pm under the basket ball board” DIY Contemporary Art Museum Lyon – FR “DIE UMLEITUNG DES RHEINS” Instal. No friture LU – MA (G) “Kladpapier Dominos VG Brussels 05 (Toutes) Editions Vandaele editie Antwerpen K-MARKET (Quand on sera pauvre …) Window Gal.Ravenstein Brussels 

Vorschlag für eine neue europäische Flagge Billboard project Wien City poetry with Abdellatif Laâbi Urban poetry TOWARDS BRUXELLES Schaerbeek – BE Thinking About Animals Sculpt.Animal. Slug Marijke Schreurs’ house Brussels “Sparkling milk” Ad “Public images” Liège – BE “Manuscripts” (3 + a revolution) Instal. Ansembourg Museum Liège – BE “Homelesssick” for F.C. Inflatable sculpture B-1010 Bruxel post cards 5000 ex Belgium

Transvisions, Stadsvisioenen Mechelen, off project, with b.o. Mario Airo, Sabine Moritz
deSingel, Desguinlei 25 / B-2018 Antwerpen, Inhuldiging donderdag 5 maart 2009 / 20 uur / blauwe Zaal / met Geert Callaert, pianist Hermes Ensemble

Panama  Sérigraphies  V-Editie  Antwerpen , Création de deux sérigraphies “Keuken” et “0>100” 100 x 70 cm et d’une intervention in-situ
Plié Maquette Photocopie Cosmos-Cosmos  Brussels

Le Centre de la Gravure et de l’Image imprimée de la Communauté française de Belgique, permanent installation [see image], from 18/2/2011 
Mac’s,Site du Grand-Hornu, Mais pourquoi? Du 26 juin au 23 octobre 2011 : Christophe Terlinden “Mais pourquoi?” (Commissaire Julien Foucart)
Pays’arbres, La cabane au bout du jardin, L’Orangerie, Bastogne (B), 7.7 >08.10.11
Memory, La Chapelle du Genêteil, Château-Gontier (F) 2.7 > 28.8.11 

La Fin du Monde… dit gezegd zijnde, galerie Transit Mechelen
Glissement de terrain, Musée Ianchelevici, La Louvière  
Chocolat !, Musée communal de Woluwe-Saint-LambertBrussels 
VISITE Herentals – ‘Reflecties’, Kasteel Le Paige, Nederrij 135, 2200 Herentals, 13.10 – 04.11.2012, ism M UHKA, Antwerpen

BEEP, Artiste club – Coffre Fort, Brussels
Stock, Espace 251 Nord, Liège

No Sugar, iselp, Brussels

Fluide, Drapeaux, Thuin

ABC, Tour Albert 1er, Charleroi

Oh les beaux jours ! Biennale de Louvain-la-Neuve, Ottignies

Home (SIC)-Garage (SALE),
Peter Pan, Neverland, still alive, Parc d’Egmont , Brussels

Søren Larsen by telephone, Performance,2M3, Brussels

La narine de Buddha et autres contes, Rossicontemporary, Brussels

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