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Wouter Feyaerts

Wouter Feyaerts uses an all but classical choice of sculptural material. His sculptures – which are mostly figurative and even anthropomorphic in nature – arise from found disposable materials that he assem-bles with the help of plastic tape in the most flashy colours into gro-tesque and almost caricatural figures. On a classical level of cultural-his-torical interpretation, Feyaerts’ sculptures show strong references to underground comics, graffiti art, Disney and pop culture on the one hand, and on the other hand they sometimes seem almost to be inscribed in the modernist tradition of figurative sculpture from the middle of the last century. However, the difference between Feyaerts and his twentiethcentury sources of inspiration lies in his humour. It seems as if he uses these cultural-historical references purely as a pastiche, as if he immediately wants to put this classical interpretation into perspective himself.

452 originele plakkaten, 60 x 45 x 2,5 cm, 2010/2011, 950 €
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